Tuesday, July 9, 2013

proportions and anathomy /chapter 1

-You and i also began with a big bang because all substance in the universe is an organic unity.Once in a primeval age all matter was gathered in a clump so enormously massive that a pin head weighed many billions of tons .The "primeval atom" exploded because of the enormous disintegrated.When we look up the sky we are trying to find the way back to ourselves .All the stars and galaxies in the universe are made of same substance .Parts of it have lumped themselves together some here ,some there.There can be billions of light years between one galaxy and next.But they all have the same origin.All stars and all planets belong to the same family ...we too are stardust. --Jostein Gaarder

“Life is both sad and solemn. We are led into a wonderful world, we meet one another here, greet each other---and wander together for a brief moment. Then we lose each other and disappear as suddenly and unreasonably as we arrived.” 
― Jostein GaarderSophie's World

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