Wednesday, August 27, 2014

proportions / clouds + eternity + human

Series "proportions" by marijankovic sophiemayra, inspired with endless motives , as with value that has no limits and including with it , the complex paralels with nature, as universe, cosmos, trees , flowers , air , seasons of the year... combination of different atoms and other toxic and non-toxic materia all around us,started to be design, and blending it into everyday photography .Using sources that she is able to afford , makes this pieces of her non material world she has involved in herself.
Series will be designed and presented  (like ones so far ) at his blog and all of the pages  / sites , that sophiemayra marijankovic is joined.
This two are latest pieces of 2014 , summer proportions.

Photograph proportions / glass clouds summer 14 by marija jankovic on 500px
proportions / glass clouds summer 14 by marija jankovic on 500px

( joined 500px , so you can appreciate my pieces there too. )

Saturday, August 23, 2014

proportion / floral renaissance selfportrait v2.0 and 2.1

working on my photography improvement , past days, weeks...
this is two self-portrait from it. what do you think?

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 or keep up and follow my privately public fb profile.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

beauty post / novo: ruževi ( recenzija / new in:lipsticks , review )

Jednom prilikom , davnih dana , sam probala ove ruževe i svideli su mi se. Zato sam i odlučila da krenem u nabavku istih ali u različitim nijansama.  Predve godine sam uzela jedan drečavi rozi i veoma mi se svideo ,pre svega jačina boje a  i cena proizvoda.Pošto ne nosim svaki dan ruževe dugo mi je trajao jer se i nije puno koristio, tako da sam prošle godine opet uzela druge dve nijanse,a danas ove tri .

Pre svega cena je veoma pristupačna , 160 din po komadu , u lokalnoj prodavnici kozmetike  .I to mi se veoma svidelo pored inteziteta boje samog ruža. Usne ne isušuju i prijatnog je mirisa.
Veoma sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom.Volela bih da probam druge proizvode od istog proizvođača.

*fotografije fotografisane na dnevnom svetlu.
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don juan cosmetics site